Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seven Children of Jack and Naomi Lewis

Mary Ann Rambo
Shreveport, LA

Eddie Lewis (Dorothy)
Houston, Texas

John L. Lewis (Shirley)
Shreveport, LA

                                                                 Billy Ray Lewis
                                                    (preceded Jack and Naomi Lewis)
Henry Lewis
                                                                                (Jeanell Lewis)
                                                                                 Shreveport, LA


                                            Betty Jean Alexander (John)
                        Shreveport, LA

                                        Jack Lewis Jr. (Bobbie)
                                        Shreveport, LA

1 comment:

  1. **Wow fam. this look awesome. I am so proud to be a Lewis. Naomi & Papa are smiling from heaven (tear). Great job Qua in putting this website together...Paula Lewis Dawson
