Monday, May 31, 2010

The descendants of JACK and NAOMI LEWIS Family Reunion 2010

“No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?” - Elbert Hubbard

The descendants of
Family Reunion
July 3rd - July 5th, 2010
Shreveport, Louisiana

We are very excited to start the planning stages of the family reunion to honor Jack and Naomi Lewis on the weekend of July 3rd- July 5th, 2010. The schedules of events are located below. We deeply apologize about the short notice! We will have a planning meeting on Thursday, June 10, 2010 starting at 6:00 pm at Jack and Naomi’s house to discuss all of the details. We would really love your input to make this a successful family reunion. Please contact ShaQuaella Lewis (Qua) if you are going to attend the planning meeting and please return contact information a.s.a.p.

We have created a family email address which is please add to your email contact list to keep you updated with family events. If you would like to post pictures or write on the website please contact Qua. We will be sending out more information once the details of the family reunion are final. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

*Friday, July 2nd- Fish Fry
 Location: Naomi and Jack Lewis House

*Saturday, July 3rd- Family Fun Day
 Barbeque Cookout
 Games, Talent Show, Moonwalk for children, & Fun
 Location: Backyard of Naomi and Jack Lewis

*Sunday, July 4th- Food for the Soul
Family Church Services
Location: Temple of Christ (Jack Lewis, Jr.)
Soul Food Dinner at Naomi and Jack Lewis House

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone, I am so excited about the reunion and can’t wait to see all of you on such a nice gathering. I know granddaddy and mother dear (mu-dear) are looking down smiling on us. It seems like yesterday when I was little girl watching the adults play dominos while granddaddy fried that buffalo fish and Naomi’s jelly and chocolate cakes. Boy those were good days and those memories will last forever…..yet while we create new ones. Love all of you so much….Jackie (Houston, Texas).
